
Books available from Urban Pigs Press

Hunger Anthology – Available now!

Arcanum Fabulas: Tales Both Strange & Absurd – Bam Barrow

Life in Dirt by James Jenkins

A hard-hitting collection of equally gritty and compelling stories. Jenkins has harvested his finest pieces from across his journey into the darkest reaches of his imagination. True brit grit delivered on an indigestible platter combining filthy realism with tones of dark humour. From twisted gangland gratuitous violence to the litter addled riverbanks, Jenkins probes at our worst fears and exposes the pitfalls of toxic masculinity.

“Simple Britishness and quintessentially approved ideology slowly tears itself apart in this fast paced and gripping collection, exposing the British Isles and all its darlings across a glass written, and played, so very darkly.”

– Joseph Runnacles